
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 66

will there be hope for the human race. Not until we start seeing the issue in all of its dimensions will there be hope for a better state of health.
This imbalance we feel on the mental-spiritual plane is perhaps the most challenging and complicated issue we have to face. Nobody is exempt from this imbalance, though there are different degrees. The greater an individual’s egotism and selfishness, the greater are his possibilities for a mental break¬down.
We can therefore define mental health as: Freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with Truth.
So now we summarize the whole definition of Health: Health is freedom from pain in the physical body, a state of well being; freedom from passion on the emotional plane, resulting in a dynamic state of serenity and calm; and freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with Truth. A truly healthy indi¬vidual should therefore combine both divine qualities of Love and Wisdom.
It is obvious that such a state of health is an ideal and that nobody can possess it in its entirety; but the definition points to an ideal Model of health toward which therapeutic treatments should aspire. The more a patient under treatment approaches this state, the healthier he becomes; and the more he moves away from it, the less healthy he becomes.
The Measure of Health
It is obvious at this point that we need some parameters to measure health.
Some questions are required of us. For example: If we cure somebody of asthma and as a consequence he develops a heart condition, how do we know that this new state of health is better or worse than his previous condition? If we treat a patient with a cardiac condition and he improves, but after a certain period of time he develops a phobic state or an anxiety neurosis, can we say that the treatment benefited the patient?