Stitching pain in hypochondria while sitting, while bent and in the region of the umbilicus after eating.
Rectum Diarrhoea, frequently before and during menstruation.
Diarrhoea, after menses; ameliorated by eating breakfast.
Chronic diarrhoea in old people worse at night and in the early morning. Diarrhoea with colic, cutting pain and pain of ulceration in the abdomen. Feeling after an ordinary stool as if diarrhoea would come on.
Cutting, stitching pain through perineum, towards the rectum and genitals. Pulsating pain in region of and in the prostate gland, extending forward to the genitals.
Tenesmus at night with ineffectual urging to stool.
Stool hard and difficult, the faeces being compact and after stool there is much tenesmus and burning in the anus.
The first part of the stool is thin and hard and the latter part thin and watery. Itching of the anus.
Urinary organs
Frequent desire to urinate, even immediately after urination.
Copious urination in the afternoon and at night.
Gnawing pain when not urinating.
Chronic induration and knotty sensation.
Stinging pain in the urethra and during urination; the orifice is inflamed and feels as if it is glued up.
Urine turbid like gruel with a violet sediment or very yellow and cloudy.
Genitalia – male
Staggering, confusion and numbness in the head after coitus.
Increased sexual desire with frequent ejaculations; aggravation from excess