
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1102

space. On rising in the morning they have a sense of stupefaction, which may also be felt in the evening and during vertigo. There is a slowness of comprehension and dullness of hearing. Mental confusion supervenes; the patient does not know where he is at night; he is confused after spirituous drinks, when stooping and standing; the confusion is better after breakfast. Mental symptoms may also be triggered by sexual excesses. After coitus the patient may suffer from numbness in the head, staggering and confusion.
The patient may be absorbed in sombre thoughts, or overwhelmed by a placid melancholy with uneasiness. You may find indolence from sadness; the patient is weary of life and has an aversion to work. They have fears of insanity, of contagious disease and of infection, and many delusions, among which may be found: delusions of ghosts, of creeping and crawling vermin and worms, of water, of an enlargement of parts of the body (head, heart), of enlarged distances.
Diarrhoea Preceding Serious Conditions
The evacuation of a large stool is the prodrome of a coming disaster rather than a release. The oncome of loose stool leads one to expect a serious problem. Leucorrhoea is preceded by a loose stool, and profuse metrorrhagias are preceded by diarrhoeas. A strange symp¬tom may be noted in metrorrhagia: there is an amelioration during the day during exertion and an excess flow at night while resting.
The Bovista patient can have acute mental and neurological out¬bursts at each menstrual period or just preceding the period. At this time she can become violent, jumping out of bed and breaking furniture and windows, even throwing things out of windows. It may be necessary to use restraint until the flow is fully established, and she may attempt to bite and spit in one’s face while being restrained.