explain with great intensity that she is suffering from pain in the joints, with a skin eruption, pain in the abdomen or other discomforts. You may get the impression that she is anxious about her health, but this is not the case. She is merely telling you the stories that are on her mind at the moment.
Remedies have a kind of symbolism within themselves and Bovista is one of these. It feels swollen in body, mind and emotions or in parts of these areas and this overflow, this swelling is aggravated by constriction and feels better when a full discharge has been established. These situations again make one think of Lachesis. Bovista however lacks the envy and the malice of Lachesis; instead we have a naivete and a desire to speak the truth. She is compelled to reveal the truth, even when this has been hidden by others, and even if it tells against her.
Bovista patients, as mentioned, are very emotional. Their emotions are strong and changeable, alternating despair with hope, or anger with exhilaration. Life to them seems charming at certain times and they love it, whereas at other times it seems difficult and they hate it. They are easily offended at the smallest provocation, occasionally becoming very irritable with a desire to curse and even fight. In this irritable state they take everything the wrong way, and become clumsy. The awkwardness is most prevalent while they are in an irritable state; they knock over furniture, drop cups, omit or misplace words in their anger. The irritability is most likely to come on after coitus or during a headache.
All their ailments, especially the abdominal pain, can be ameliorated by eating, although they may feel indolent and heavy after food. As the pathology progresses, Bovista patients suffer from difficulties in concentration, with misapplication of words and omission of syllables when speaking and writing, and mistakes in localities and in space and time. Their memory for what they have just done is weak, the senses are dull. The patient just stares vacantly into