
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1096

The left arm feels heavy, principally around the elbow, and lifting the arm aggravates the symptoms. The trembling of the left arm and hand accompanies the general internal trembling.
The hands have a blue white colour which is worse after carrying something or putting weight on them, worse in the right hand; the fingers, particularly, look colourless and the skin looks wrinkled, lifeless and has no elasticity.
Lower limbs: hemiplegia; sensation of paralysis of the leg; in the fingers which extends over the whole side or paralysis of one leg or one arm only. Pain in right great toe.
Rheumatic pain in the right knee and ankle all day.
Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis of the lower limbs.
Inflamed varices.
Lack of co-ordination in the feet when stepping causing the person to stumble or fall.
The feet are constantly cold.
Dreams of heart troubles and thrombosis. Dreadful dreams of suffering anginal attacks accompanied with a feeling of depression.
Talking in sleep.
Sleepiness but also frequent waking because of the pain in the left elbow and the sensation of weight in the left chest; worse after midnight and between 4-6 a.m.
Slight shivering, followed by very profuse cold sweat.
Internal heat and burning felt in the left arm with a feeling of weight in the left chest accompanied by internal trembling.
Perspiration: cold, sticky and profuse.
The sweat is profuse and is warm on the covered parts but cold, clammy and sticky on the hands.
Putrid odour to the sweat which is worse after unusual exertion or weariness.