
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1092

There are dull pains in the right side of the head or occiput. Sensation as of a nail in right parietal bone; the headache returns in the open air. Sudden stabs of pain through head from front to back during the morning. Pain which starts at eyeball seems to run a little way back into the head.
Amaurosis is a strong symptom; day blindness so can scarcely see the way after sunrise.
Bleeding from the eyes.
Blindness from haemorrhage into the retina.
Localised boring pain above right eye all day, worse after eating.
Sharp stitching and stabbing pains through back of both eyes in the afternoon. Pains occur in the back of eyeball and seem to shoot back a short distance into the head.
Dimness of vision aggravated by sunlight, or loss of vision.
Small floating areas in sight of right eye, obscuring half of a written word.
Bloody discharge.
Sensation of fullness in right ear.
Epistaxis with tight feeling in the nose all day as if it might bleed any time. Nosebleed when the menses are due, on getting up in the morning instead of the menses.
The blood is characteristically fluid and black.
Purplish roughening of the nose like fine eruption under the skin; veins more noticeable, like little purple threads.