
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1088

Erythematous eruption on face, body and thighs followed by pearly vesicles on face and neck. Multiform erythema of trunk and upper extremities.
Whitlows, formication of hands and feet; later of the face.
Eruption on the right thigh, consisting of vesicles, which continually extended and became covered with crusts; in the middle, a circumscribed spot 2cm in diameter surrounded by new vesicles, which are very moist when broken. Exfoliating dermatitis.
Burning skin; it became swelled and charred and all motion was painful.
Multiform erythema. Erysipelas of the face. Infection of eyelids. Red eruption of face with concentration of eyelids. Herpetic paronychia (Whitlow). Impetigo. Diabetes.
Compare: Borax, Carbolic acid, Kali-bi., Helodesma.
From 6x to 1M.