Sleeplessness during dentition; with difficult respiration.
Waking from sleep while lying on painful side.
She wakes uncommonly early, at 3 o’clock; she cannot fall asleep again for two hours, on account of heat in the whole body, especially in the head, with sweat on the thighs.
Waking before midnight; waking early and falling asleep late and waking by erection.
Sleep disturbed by coldness.
Sleep after perspiration.
Sleeps on side, on the left side or impossible to sleep on side.
Deep sleep in noon and afternoon.
Sleepiness in the evening at twilight, falling asleep late and difficult. Sleepiness in children.
The child at the breast sleeps more than usual, but wakes frequently. The child tosses about, cries until 4 a.m., frequently out of its sleep, and in the morning is in a whining mood.
An infant cries out of sleep and anxiously grasps its mother, as if frightened by a dream.
Sleepiness during evening meal; falling asleep early.
Falling asleep late with early waking and with sleepiness in the daytime and evening.
Yawning while sitting.
Dreams: coitus; sore throat.
Chill in the morning after rising, chill from 2-4 a.m.
Chill from 2-6 p.m. and in the evening on rising.
Shaking chill with perspiration and pulsating pain in occiput.
Chill in the afternoon after evening meal, on rising from bed, before urination and beginning in and extending from the face.
Chill during sleep; absent after midnight.
Trembling and shivering at night.
Hot head in infants.
Fever in the afternoon after sleep, in the evening at 6 p.m., in bed with sweat.