
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1074

Difficult urination at night causing the person to cry before the urine passes. Frequent micturition (in infants).
Severe urgent desire to urinate, so that he can scarcely hold the urine.
Ineffectual urination.
Desire to urinate, without being able to pass a drop, but copious urine in the afternoon.
Sudden urging to urinate during menses.
Urging to urinate after seminal emission.
Pressing pain in region of kidneys.
Blue spot on meatus.
Pain in meatus after urination, soreness of meatus after coitus.
Haemorrhoids of bladder.
Pain in the orifice of the urethra as if sore, after urinating.
Burning, cutting pain in urethra when semen is discharged with a burning pain in the urethra when touching it.
Urine has odour of cat’s urine or is acrid and pungent.
Genitalia – male
Emissions when touching a woman, and when dreaming of coitus. Sexual passion increased, but without desire for coitus.
Strong erections in the morning on waking.
Seminal discharge too late.
Biting pain in prepuce after urination.
Cutting, stitching pain.
Sore, bruised pain in penis.
Genitalia – female
Easy sexual arousal.
Desire lacking, indifference.
Leucorrhoea membranous, lumpy or transparent, thick as white paste or like boiled starch.
Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down.