he was at a particular place yesterday or today. Mistakes in both space and time may occur. The patient may moreover be suspici¬ous, and have delusions that he is possessed by a devil or that he is going to be robbed.
In cases where the above mental state is present, the aphthous condition is not necessary in order to prescribe this remedy. You will often find, however, that the history of the patient reveals suppressed aphthae. After suppression of aphthae Borax should be seriously considered.
In this remedy the sexual sphere is characterised by great excitability. This state of sexual arousal can reach such extremes that a man may have an orgasm by merely touching a woman. Such a patient will in fact tell you that he is more interested in caressing a woman than in having normal intercourse with her. You will find strong desire, though not for coitus. This may be due to pain in the urethra after coitus. Burning pain in urethra when semen is discharged is characteristic of Borax. Sometimes the seminal discharge appears later than the pleasure. The patient has dreams of coitus with orgasms. There are strong erections in the morning on waking.
Women also experience an intense desire, but, eventually, due to grief and disappointment, they may exhibit indifference or even aversion to coitus. It is characteristic for this remedy that women become pregnant very easily. However, due to heavy leucorrhoea and membranous dysmenorrhoea, a decline in desire is experienced, replaced eventually by indifference and frigidity.