
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1059

as experiencing fear and anxiety, they suffer from vertigo and confusion and tend to ‘go to pieces’, not knowing where or who they are. These patients will avoid lifts and boat-rides at all costs.
The slightest downward motion, as when putting an infant to bed, causes the child to scream in a great fright and to try to hold on to the mother as if trying to stop this terrifying downward motion. It seems as though the experience of the ‘etheric body’ moving up-ward while the physical body goes downward causes an experience of disconnection. The soul appears to be trying to escape through the stomach and mouth, causing a very frightening feeling. This feeling simulates the moment of death when the soul (or etheric body, or energy body), leaves the physical body.
Borax has the same reaction on waking suddenly during the night. The patient wakes up in a terrible fright, as if his end had
arrived. The etheric body returns to the physical body with a jerk and produces this frightening experience. Similarly, hearing a sudden noise brings about this frightened reaction. The patient gives the impression of being absent minded at that moment and out of touch with the environment; this sudden noise brings him back to his body with a fright.
This reaction may be brought about by hearing a cry or an unexpected noise, such as something dropping from a chair or a door closing unexpectedly. Hearing someone hawk or sneeze may provoke a fright, as may even very slight noises like the crumpling of paper, or the rustling of silk. Other fears to be found in Borax include fear of impending disease, fear of infection, and fear of falling.
The Mental-Emotional State
The Borax patient is typically prone to extreme inner restlessness, coupled with anxiety. He cannot remain concentrated on one