
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1058

he has to stop thinking, clear his mind, and generally abandon all attempts at serious thought, getting up and walking around the room and stretching his body backward in order to feel better. In the text we read: ‘While engaged in thinking at work, strong nausea. Every time he is engaged in any sort of meditation he becomes nauseated and excitable and must leave his work and rest a little while, and then he goes at it again until he becomes sick at the stomach and so must rest again’.
This nausea is produced by the intense feelings that arise while engaged in serious thought. It shows an oversensitive state of the mind and feelings, which does not allow the individual to do any continuous or deep thinking. As soon as he starts, intense feelings are produced by his reflections, and these bring about a state of over-excitement accompanied by a stomach upset or possibly nausea. He then has to get up and walk around to calm his thoughts and take his mind away from the subject he was engaged on. As soon as he tries to go back to work the nausea returns.
Aggravation from Downward Movement
The great key-note of Borax is of course the aggravation from downward movement, a unique symptom that can serve as a sure pointer to this remedy. For a fuller comprehension of this symptom, it is useful to consider what may be termed a ‘loose connection’ between the etheric and the physical bodies, a paradigm described fully in my book, ‘A New Model for Health and Disease’. This loose connection can explain the tremendous anxiety felt by Borax patients when experiencing a downward motion. All mental complaints such as nervousness, anxiety and apprehension are aggravated from upward or downward motion. Whether the patients find themselves in a lift going down, on a rough sea, riding in a car on a slope, in an aeroplane that drops in an air pocket, on a swing or a rocking chair, the feeling is always unbearable. As well