
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1056

Borax veneta.
Natrum biboracicum. Sodium biborate. Na2B40710H20.
Trituration and Solution.
Borax primarily affects the nervous system and the mucous membranes, both to an equal degree. The typical Borax patient is a very excitable, anxious, and oversensitive individual whose mucous membranes exhibit an aphthous condition; the membranes ulcerate and deteriorate, forming white patches or ulcers. Moreover, these cases suffer from an aggravation from downward movement.
The Aphthae
The mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue and cheek are often affected by aphthous formations, accompanied by offensive breath, hot mouth and salivation. The irritation goes right through the alimentary canal but strangely enough affects mostly the beginning (mouth) and the end (anus/rectum) of the digestive tract. The area surrounding the anus has an aphthous appearance, and the thickening of the mucous membranes of the rectum creates a stricture. The stool is slimy, of a greenish or yellowish colour, and frequent both day and night. This evidence of an irritation of the alimentary canal suggests that some kind of ulceration is going on inside the intestines as well. Great quantities of fluid like boiled starch are passed through the anus.