Indian cockroach.
N. 0. Orthoptera.
Trituration of live insect.
Blatta orientalis patients have a tendency to catch cold, as well as a sensitivity in the bronchi which are easily irritated and inflamed. A Blatta case often starts with a common cold which develops into severe bronchitis and coughing; this in turn creates respiratory problems which eventually turn into chronic asthma.
Blatta orientalis will prove to be one of the most important remedies for asthma attacks which begin after an inflammation of the bronchi and end as asthma and finally emphysema. This remedy is mainly indicated when the asthma attacks are much worse during the night and the patient cannot get any rest or sleep because it is not possible to lie down at all. He has to sit up, propped up with pillows all night to avoid suffocation. The patient is drenched in sweat from his efforts to cough out the mucus, but little expectoration is raised.
These symptoms mean that difficulties may be experienced in the differential diagnosis with such remedies as Ant-t., Ars. and Samb. Blatta orientalis is very similar to Sambucus in severe cases of chronic asthma where respiration is difficult all night and profuse cold perspiration accompanies the exhaustion. Indeed, in most of these cases, Samb. or Carb-v. are usually prescribed instead of Blatta.
Another characteristic of this remedy is aggravation of the asthma in