Genitalia – male
Aching, pressing pain in right testis.
Ejaculations without erections, wakes frequently.
Burning, hot constriction.
Pain in lower chest when walking, extending transversely.
Pain in the chest and back, with burning and boring.
Boring pain in right side.
Pinching pain in diaphragm.
Pressing, stitching and tearing pain in nipple, left side of sternum.
Tearing pain in lower ribs.
Pain as after prolonged stooping. Must bend backward from pressure in spine.
Trembling in upper limbs when and after eating.
Blue discolouration of upper limbs, forearm, thighs.
Paralytic weakness and weariness in the right arm.
Paralytic tearing pressure in the right forearm, especially in the bones of the wrist, toward the outer side, at times more in the upper part.
Paralytic pressing in upper arm, forearm, touch ameliorates.
Pain in forearm, touch ameliorates.
Cramp-like pain in anterior muscles of upper arm.
Pain in elbow, motion ameliorates.
Motion ameliorates lameness in forearm.
Sore bruised pain in ulna and radius.
Pressing, tearing pain in wrist.
Trembling in hand while eating.
Yellow spots in fingers.