
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 57

the assault. The main goal of the organism is to keep the disturbance as much to the periphery as possible.
Hierarchical Importance within the Physical Body
Just to provide a general idea, we shall list the organs according to their hierarchical importance in the system. This classification is not intended to be final in any way; it is only indicative and should be so taken by the reader. It is a very gross classification that can give the physician or healing practitioner an initial idea of the direction in which his treatment is going.
We begin with the physical body as the idea of hierarchy on this level is more easily understood and accepted. A gross enumeration of the main physical organs and systems is:
1. Central and peripheral nervous systems
2. Heart and vascular system
3. Pituitary and endocrine glands
4. Liver and digestive system
5. Lymphatic system
6. Lungs and respiratory system
7. Kidneys and urinary system
8. Testes/ovaries and genital system
9. Vertebrae and skeletal system

10. Muscular system
11. Mucous membranes
12. Skin
It must be understood that similar hierarchies exist within systems or organs. For example, certain areas of the brain are more vital than the peripheral nerve endings, etc.
While this classification may not be precise, it does provide a suitable frame of reference for understanding the concept of suppression. For example, if an individual suffers from a skin condition, eczema perhaps, which either of itself or as a consequence of suppressive treatment (e.g. cortisone ointment) disappears only to be succeeded by asthma (a lung condition), the person’s health is deteriorating. His disease "condition" has moved in the wrong direction, more deeply within his body. Were the reverse to occur, the direction taken would be a curative one.
