Limbs: pain in lower limbs, in changing weather.
Pain in lower limbs while walking, aggravated after walking.
Upper limbs and shoulder, when scratching, ulcerative, vibrating.
Stiffness in lower limbs when walking in open air.
Sensation as if sprained in muscles and bones of lower limbs.
Tension in upper limbs, extending to neck.
Arms and Shoulders: ulcerative pain in shoulder, in upper arm when lifting, during menses, extending to neck.
‘Gurgling’ feeling in shoulder, with sensation as of something alive in joint, especially about midnight.
Gurgling (bubbling) feeling in muscles of right upper arm.
Cold arms.
Sensation of heaviness in axilla.
Bubbling sensation of shoulder, upper right arm, thighs, knee.
Tension in shoulder during menses.
Tension in elbow, bending aggravates.
Hands and Fingers: pain in wrist after exertion.
Sensation as if drops of cold water were sprinkled on back of hand on going into open air.
Pulsating pain in palm of hand.
Vibrating, ulcerative pain in joints of middle finger, fingernail and tip of first finger.
Heaviness in fingers, lower limbs as if beaten, with heaviness in knee after rising from a seat and after walking.
Pulsation of fourth finger. Sensation of swelling of thumb.
Neuralgia under fingernails with swelling of finger-joints.
Knees: Stinging in joint of knee, particularly on inner side, when walking. Tension in bend of knee, as if tendons were too short.
Swollen veins in bend of knee.
Rheumatic pain in left knee, in hollow of right knee, while sitting.
Pain in patella while walking.
Sensation in knees as if paralyzed, weary and beaten, after walking, and when