
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 56

The initial symptoms seem to disappear under the action of the medicine; in reality they are not cured but instead are pushed to deeper areas of the organism.
This concept is very important and has to be understood well from the very beginning: Unless correct treatment is given, the seemingly curative action of the medicine may be suppressive. It is around this concept that this treatise’s whole argument about AIDS is based.
4. Each one of these planes is composed of multiple complex fields or organ systems that also maintain a hierarchical relationship.
In the same way that the three planes are in hierarchical importance, the systems or fields of energy or patterns within-one plane are structured in a such a way that one system or organ has greater importance than another. For instance, a scratch on the brain will not have the same consequences that a scratch on the skin will have. Normally the consequences from a scratch on the brain are much more severe. That means that the brain is a much more important organ than the skin and therefore more protected, more guarded by the organism.
The whole organism is hierarchically organized, with some organs or biological systems being of greater or lesser importance than others and therefore enjoying a greater or lesser degree of protection.
This protection is afforded not only by the physical, anatomi¬cal position of an organ but also by the defense mechanism, a primary operant of the system. This defense mechanism includes the immune system as well as the reticuloendothelial, sympathetic, parasympathetic, hormonal and lymphatic systems. All these systems cooperate in producing a unique result; they maintain the homeostasis of the organism by keeping it in balance under all adverse conditions and, most of all, by protecting its vital and central organs.
For every drastic change, for every strong stress that is specific or non-specific, there is a mobilization of the defenses of the organism in order to maintain the optimum balance; or when the stress is too strong, the defense mechanism invokes "damage control," attempting to minimize the consequences of