The kidneys, liver and heart are more or less affected.
Urinary secretion is always increased when the action of the drug is favourable.
Light urine, and heavy urine, excessive deposits of uric acid and urates.
Copious discharges, alternating with scanty discharges.
Burning, stinging, tearing, stitching, wandering pains are the grand feature of Berberis.
There is swelling of the joints but this is not so common as pain without swelling. Soreness, lameness in the joints, with radiating pain. ‘A pain in the heel as if it were ulcerating,’ and then the pain shoots off in every direction.
The patient moves many times, because he cannot keep still, especially at night in bed. Worse in various postures, especially standing, and lying on back.
Mucous membranes become dry: mouth, vagina etc. Increased albuminoid and gelatinous mucous secretion.
Discharges or skin are dirty gray.
Cold feeling in the bones, blood vessels, eyes, ears Chest affected after operations on piles, fistula, etc.
The metatarsus and metacarpus are often the seat of pain, as if sprained. Induration of glands, knotty like ropes.
Watery blood in haemorrhage.
Odour of perspiration like urine.
Perspiration on single parts of the upper part of body before sleep. Aggravation from change of position.
Cold bathing ameliorates.
Bending over: compelled by cutting contraction in chest to abdomen; pain in hepatic region better.
Sitting: anxiety; anus very sensitive; pain in renal region is made worse; pain in left spermatic cord; vulvar itching and burning increase; backache aggravated; skin of arms painful to touch,