Sense of coldness at sacrum.
Extremities Arthritic nodosities in wrists, hands, finger joints.
In both wrists, between metacarpal bones, abundant gouty deposits with swelling of elbow joints.
Tearing pain in third and fourth finger joints.
Fingers swollen; tearing and fine stitching pains in various parts of limbs. Sensation of swelling under axillae.
Paralytic pain of fingers.
Eruption of red spots on fingers.
Itching in palm of right hand.
Cracking in joints of lower limbs, sense of dryness in knee joints with cracking when moving.
Swelling of the right knee, with pain as of ulceration of the whole leg, with pains in the kidneys.
Gouty knee.
Tearing and stitching pains, especially in the metatarsal joint of the right great toe. Tearing pain in gouty toes.
Pains are changing location all the time. Pain in left hip, knee and toes; thence into muscles of calf and then in knee; after it has left these parts it appears in right thigh and ankle.
Pain in right knee first then in left.
Tearing pain in anterior surface of thigh.
Drawing pain in knees after drinking wine.
During night gout commences in right great toe.
Swelling in first right toe.
Stitch passing upward through right great toe, followed by burning, which increases the stitch; afterwards it appears in left great toe, from which it vanishes with a thrill.
Pain in toes at night, joints gouty, stitching pain.
Pain in large joints of big toe, with tumefaction and redness.
Swelling in gouty right knee.