Foetid urine, with prolapsus uteri.
Urine of a very repulsive odour, of a changeable colour, brownish, cloudy, of an alkaline reaction; effervescing with hydrochloric acid; white, flocculent sediment in the urine immediately after its passage, consisting of the phosphate and carbonate of lime, without uric acid; pale, languid; weak loins.
Alkaline urine.
Colour of urine brown, like beer; reddish-brown.
A granular kind of mucus mixed with phosphate in sediment; urine dark, reddish-brown; acid reaction.
Urine with concretions of urate of ammonia.
Enlargement of prostate gland in senile patients.
Dysuria in the morning in old men.
Acrid, foetid discharge from urethra.
Pain in urethra when not urinating.
Kidney colic
Sore pain in back; burning in left kidney, with drawing when stooping; dull pain in kidneys, loins stiff; right knee swollen.
Kidney pains, which penetrate chest on taking a deep breath.
Pain in kidneys when breathing deeply.
Drawing in left ureter when stooping.
Cystitis, with extremely offensive odour.
Fleeting pains in bladder, not when urinating, but at other times.
Too frequent desire to evacuate bladder, urine normal.
Sensibility of bladder with muco-purulent discharge.
Hot, scalding urine, deep red, of strong odour, causing so much suffering in its passage that this was performed only once a day.
Irritability of bladder: muco-purulent discharges.
Pains in bladder.
Dysuria senilis, when the gravel is trifling and the irritable state of bladder and pains are induced by other causes.
Valuable especially for catarrh of the bladder, with offensive brown urine. Enuresis nocturna of children up to age 16 if the urine is strongly smelling.