Redness in corners of nose.
Sense of pressure, as if face had gone to sleep.
Tension in one side of face.
Numb feeling in face.
Burning heat of face or of one side.
Symptoms made better by external heat, by pressure, or friction.
Cold sweat on face.
Circumscribed redness on cheeks.
Copper-coloured spots on face.
Face red, with small blisters.
Trembling of lips.
Involuntary biting of lower lip at dinner.
Itching on chin.
Glossitis. Gouty inflammation of tongue.
Tongue spongy on surface with deep cracks and spreading ulcers.
Extensive ulcerations of tongue, with deeply chapped or fungoid surfaces. Tongue of a slight bluish colour.
Velvety coating on tongue, with high-coloured, strong smelling urine.
Tongue coated with white mucus.
Soreness of back part of tongue, felt most while swallowing.
Taste; of blood; bitter; food tastes salty; bread smoky; after taste of food.
An ulcerated tumour on left side of mouth, upon soft commissure of jaws, behind last molar.
Slightly acid mucus.
Heat around mouth.
Peritonsillar abscesses.