Continual soreness and aching in clavicular region.
The pulse is wiry, intermittent and tense.
Continual aching and throbbing in lumbar region, made worse by a full inspiration. Extreme irritation of the kidneys.
Continual soreness and aching in muscles of upper arm.
Hands and fingers blue and cold.
Extended, stretched out arms.
For three nights, before the sweating began, complete insomnia, with unpleasant thoughts crowding the mind, and wide-open eyes, before which optical illusions
floated continually.
Chills seized remote parts and passed toward the head, from the thumbs to the elbows, and thence to shoulders; from small of back to shoulders and vertex.
Cold compresses came off steaming in a few minutes, smelling of benzine and stained a deep yellow, which could only be removed by long exposure to the sun.
For several nights’ copious, general, warm sweat toward morning, very exhausting, followed on several succeeding mornings by sweat only on breast, on side not lain upon, and in axillae.