wasted, pallid, and easily exhausted. He suffers from strong vertigo or dizziness and when lying has a sense of falling through the bed and floor. On trying to turn the eyes upward there is severe aching and throbbing. This remedy is especially useful in the last stages of leukaemia, particularly in cases where the stool smells of benzine. The patient has frequent stools mixed with blood or with lead-coloured mucus, tenesmus, throbbing in anus and rectum and pains from the rectum that travel upwards.
In such cases the mind is profoundly disturbed, and the patient suffers from optical illusions without closing the eyes. For example, a great white hand may appear to him out of the darkness, coming outspread towards his face, causing him to scream in terror for the watcher. The condition is similar to a semi-comatose typhoid state.
The Benzinum patient suffers from extreme irritability. He is censorious, critical and fault-finding. He has disagreeable thoughts at night during sleeplessness, weeps at trifles and in general despairs of recovery. You will note apprehension, fear of heart disease and fear of apoplexy. Speech is confused and there is frequent sighing.
The three key-notes of this remedy are:
1. Pains travel from below upward (headache, pain in anus, also chills.)
2. Perspiration in parts not lain on.
3. A sense of falling through the bed and floor.
Haemorrhage, the blood is brownish, black and thin. Hallucinations, optical illusions.
Epileptiform attacks, coma, and anaesthesia.