
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 50

love to bring people closer together, to unite, to overcome feelings of separateness.
Negative feelings tend to generate a sense of separation, a feeling of isolation of the individual from the world in general and from other people in particular, as hatred separates and destroys unions.
In the emotional plane we can also include the psychic part of the human being, which is expressed through the subconscious and the intuitive element. This part of the human being is very powerful, and its impressions have a lot to do with the manifestation of disease.
In diseased individuals the subconscious is usually loaded with powerful negative impressions that can hold and manipulate the individual’s behavior for quite a long time. Healthy people immediately deal with everyday challenges and impressions and do not let negative feelings settle in their subconscious. Therefore, healthy people usually have a "light" or "clean" subconscious that gives them a greater degree of free¬dom.
It is doubtful whether even today the significance of the emotional level in triggering disease is fully understood. It is my assumption that in the western world this part of the individual is the weakest; furthermore, it is the most neglected part in our cultural and educational system.
Education, with its emphasis on the mental level, has focused inordinately on developing certain areas of the mind to the exclusion of others. Our educational system has ignored our emotional level, leaving everybody to improvise. Even worse, our societal structures seem to promote the idea that emotions do not exist, or at best, should not be displayed. In certain families the parents unwittingly teach the children to stifle their emotions. "Stop crying" is a command that almost every American child has heard at one point or another. It has never been realized that crying might have spared this child a lot of health problems later on in life.
Emotions feed on impressions.
If the food is poisonous, if the impressions that an individual receives are horrid, frightful or even malignant—as when a child witnesses his parents viciously fighting, or watches violence and injustice on television and in real life, or witnesses the