
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 952

Inflammation of parotid glands with metastasis to testes.
Swelling of lips, mostly of the upper lip.
The lips and mucous membrane of mouth, fauces and nose are very hot and dry.
The mouth is exceedingly dry without thirst.
The dryness is almost beyond relief.
Dryness of mouth and pharynx, with a sense of constriction of the throat. Troublesome, continued dryness of the mouth, lips, and throat, with a violent longing for drink, but not satisfied by drink.
Mouth feels scalded; feels hot.
Bloody frothy foam from mouth.
Frothy foam from mouth with odour of rotten eggs.
Sensation as if mouth were enlarged.
Gums – Extremely troublesome itching of gums, with pain in throat.
Vesicle in gum below one of front teeth, with a pain as if burnt.
Pulsating pain in gums.
Swelling of gums on lower left side with stitches up to left temple. Bleeding of gums around decayed tooth during menses.
Heat in gums.
Taste – salty; sour; bitter; offensive.
Bread tastes sour.
Putrid taste rising out of throat; also when eating or drinking, although food and drink have proper taste.
Putrid, disagreeable taste in mouth, with a clean tongue.
Acute sense of taste.
Bad taste ameliorated after eating apples; apples taste bitter.
Bitter taste at noon.
Bitterish-sour taste of milk.
Food tastes salty.
Meat tastes spoiled.
Odour as of stool.