humming noises in ear aggravated while sitting; humming in ear with vertigo; warbling of birds in ear.
Noises in ear are heard while sitting and on waking; ameliorated while lying, while standing, while walking.
Hearing is impaired after hiccup, after scarlet fever.
Deafness as if a skin were drawn over ears.
Hardness of hearing, owing to having caught cold.
Partial deafness.
Acute hearing during heat.
Acute hearing during perspiration.
Belladonna is an important remedy in sinusitis. The sinusitis can involve either the frontal or maxillary sinuses. In Belladonna one finds a very troublesome maxillary or frontal sinusitis with heaviness and marked tenderness to light touch but relief from hard pressure. Every time the patient stoops forward the pain intensifies, and the patient experiences a sense of stuffiness of the sinuses. There is dryness of all the mucous membranes and great dryness of the nose.
Frequent dry sneezing, with tickling, especially in left nostril.
Tendency for epistaxis, especially nosebleeds which occur at night while asleep. Nosebleed with congestion to head; in children at night.
At other times the nosebleeds occur as part of a typical syndrome; red face, injected eyes and hypertension.
Epistaxis may also occur with vertigo; with numbness of nose.
Sneezing after coughing.
After suppressed catarrh, maddening headache.
Inflammatory swelling and redness of internal and external nose.
Inflammation of nose in alcoholics.
Pain, as if bruised, when touching nose.
Cramp at root of nose.
Sudden redness of tip of nose, with burning sensation.
Tip of nose red, swollen and shining, feels that with every step the tip of the nose will fall off.