Here the patient may describe a sense of pressure arising from inside the head, as if the head would burst open or as if the eyes would ‘pop out’. The patient presents with a red, congested face, engorged blood vessels and headache. This presentation may occur during a full-blown hypertensive crisis, accompanied by hypertensive retinopathy and papilloedema; consequently, it is imperative to monitor the blood pressure in such cases. The headaches often originate in the cervical region or the occiput. Though not mentioned in the Repertory, there are headaches starting in the occiput and radiating anteriorly which are provoked by changes in the weather. These headaches may also be located in the temples or the forehead, especially the right temple or just above the right eyebrow.
As previously stated, with the headache the patient usually wants to lie down, usually on his abdomen, in a dark, quiet room. Loud noises, light and sudden jars cause a marked aggravation of the pain. Even the jar of each step while walking can be unbearable. Also, any kind of excitement or emotional stress may precipitate or aggravate the crisis. There can also be an aggravation from stooping forward. The headaches are worse from the sun and from the heat. Sometimes during the headaches the congestion in the head is so intense that the patient may feel that he actually has a fever. He wants cold applications or even ice on the head for relief. He may also find relief from hard pressure and from binding the head very tightly. In general, the patient is better during cloudy or rainy weather; he has far fewer headaches in such weather.
Finally, Belladonna headaches may be triggered by the following: eating acid food; suppressing a catarrh; during dentition; after nursing; smoking tobacco. The headache may be accompanied by a desire for lemonade.
The headaches are like many of the other pains; it feels as if the brain was going up and down, tearing and burning at every step he takes, and from every motion of the eyes, or turning of eyeballs, or going up stairs, rising from his seat, or sitting down; all motion creates violent pains; feels as if the head would burst, as if the eyes would be pressed out. Other head symptoms for Belladonna include: Sensation as if skull were as thin as paper; as if the skull were transparent