
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 49

The question we have to ask is: How many of these mental aberrations are due to the chemical drugs that we have ingested in many forms over the last thirty to forty years? The answer may not only be surprising, but appalling.
The Emotional-Psychic Plane
Defining and expounding on the emotional-psychic plane is not an easy task, and the same remarks apply here as for the mental plane. Here only the rudiments of these planes will be described and only in conjunction with health and disease.
Simply put, one can say that the emotional plane is that part which generates and registers emotions.
We all experience a wide range of emotional states in different degrees, those emotions ranging between such polar opposites as love/hatred, joy/sadness, calmness/anxiety, trust/distrust, courage/fear, security/insecurity, etc. What we usually experience are all the degrees of intermediate emotional states between these polar opposites.
To the degree that an individual nurtures positive feelings, we can say that he is healthy on the emotional level.
Positive feelings will tend to bring about a sense of happiness. Yet as has been said before, consistently positive emotions are an impossibility. Opposing states, between which we all vacillate, are part of the very nature of the emotional realm.
The more negative feelings an individual experiences, the less healthy he is on the emotional level; and the extent of his emotional ill health will be proportionately reflected in a pervading sense of unhappiness. If one wants to find out how sick he is on this plane, he must make note of his negative feelings such as apathy, anger, anxiety, hatred, envy, depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc. The size of his inventory of such feelings will reveal the degree of unhealthiness, negativity and unhappiness in which he is living. It is an amazing law of nature that negative feelings are more or less necessary to impel the individual to overcome weaknesses and faults on this plane.
A characteristic quality of positive feelings ranging from simple affection to sublime ecstasy is that they give the individual a sense of oneness, a feeling of unification with the Universe and with others. This is because it is in the nature of