while Bellis should be thought of when the hurt tissues are at a deepei level and the tendency is to produce a kind of tumour.
Ailments from exposure to cold and wet when overheated is a key¬note, but the peculiarity is that once the inflammation has set in, a local application of cold is beneficial to the patient.
Ill effects of cold drinks, when overheated. Can cause dyspepsia, amenorrhoea, rheumatic pains etc.
Ailments from injuries.
It removes the exudations due to injury.
Tumours originating from a blow.
It must be thought of in cases of cystic tumours, keloid tumours, naevus tumours, inflammation of bursae (bursitis), chronic appendicitis, neuritis, fractures of bones if the symptoms agree. Haemorrhages after exertion.
It affects blood vessels causing venous stasis and varicose veins. Burnett suggests it for debility following acute attacks of gout. It causes a tired feeling with desire to lie down.
Weariness during climacteric period.
Sore, bruised pain of muscles, internally, aggravated on motion. Excessive physical irritability.
Complaints from suppression of perspiration.
Irregular pulse.
Trembling internally.
Aversion to washing and bathing.
Faint spells with cold sweat [Carb-v.].
Left sided remedy.
Worse around 3 p.m. or 3 a.m. and for a few hours after that time Worse from cold baths, food or drinks; becoming chilled when hot; hot bath; warmth of bed; before storms; interrupted coition; physical exertion; ailments from ice, from cold wet weather.