Pale skin; red spots.
Eruptions: burning, with yellow moisture; dry; worse after scratching, place bare after scratching; eating; scabby; smarting; stinging; suppurating; nodular. Tubcrclcs; herpes; ringworm; pimples; rash.
Vesicular eruptions; vesicles after scratching.
Moisture of the skin after scratching.
Stitching in the skin after scratching.
Excoriation of the skin.
Itching at night; itching, stinging; in a warm bed.
Small wounds slow to heal and often fester.
Small stinging warts.
Skin eruptions. Swelling and induration of lymphatic, submaxillary, parotid and prostate glands. Exophthalmic goitre. Paralysis, one-sided, mostly right; of organs. Painless paralysis of upper limbs. Cataract. Opacity of the cornea. Hysterical fits.
From 6x to the highest.