
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 904

Inflammation of the conjunctiva, of the lids.
The eyelids are stuck together in the morning.
Swollen lids.
Dryness of eyes.
Redness of eyes.
Protrusion of eyes.
Pupils dilated and insensible to light.
Itching and lachrymation.
Pain in eyes on exertion of vision; worse from light; aching; burning on using eyes; burning in canthi; pressing; pain as from sand; tearing.
Paralysis of optic nerve.
Black spots; specks and muscae volitantes before the eyes.
Dim vision.
Bloody discharge from ear.
Eruption behind ears.
Formication of ears.
Itching in ear, stitching in ear; twitching of ears.
Noises in ears; ringing; roaring.
Pain in right ear; behind ear.
Pulsation in ear.
Hearing impaired.
Constant inclination to blow the nose.
Fluent coryza with cough.
Catarrh of the nose with discharge bloody; thick; yellow, offensive.