
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 45

2. The human being is constructed of three basic planes of energy fields or organizational patterns:
a. The mental-spiritual plane
b. The emotional-psychic plane
c. The physical-material plane that includes in
stincts and the five senses
In treating the whole person, a medical system has to precisely define all these planes as well as the way they interrelate.
In this way we see how important one level is in comparison with another, how important a function or organ is within a plane. This leads us even further in determining the hierarchical importance of different functions, organs and systems within a plane.
As we shall see later, this Model suggests that disease be more precisely called "imbalance of the organism." This generic term implies that an undefined disturbance can shift from one plane to another, from one system to another, and from one organ to another. The degree of health of an individual will eventually be determined by an evaluation of the disturbance on all these levels.
During the process of treatment, if we observe that the disturbance is moving from more important planes to less important ones and from more important and central organs to less important and peripheral ones, then we know that a real cure is taking place. If the opposite direction is observed, if the disturbance is going towards deeper levels, then we have to acknowledge that a suppression is taking place rather than a cure. We shall talk about this idea again during the exposition of the Model of health and disease. Now we will define the importance of each plane.
The Mental-Spiritual Plane
In the exposition that follows I do not claim to cover this subject exhaustively, but only to give information sufficient to make my point concerning the structure of this Model. Exploring the mental-spiritual aspect of man, defining it and trying to understand its structure and the subtlety of its operation, requires a book by itself. Here I shall only present the rudimentary facts concerning these levels in health and disease.