Swelling of testicles and scrotum, painless.
Buboes after suppressed gonorrhea.
Genitalia – female
Menstruation induced.
Induration, tumour, or atrophy of ovaries.
Violent desire leading to acute psychosis.
Squeezing pains in pelvis.
Aneurysm of the descending aorta.
Bronchial infections of old people with cardiac dilation.
Facilitates expectoration.
Mucous expectoration. Catarrh in chest.
Weak, husky voice.
Attacks of anxious dyspnoea; rolls on floor, several attacks a day, also at night.
Dyspnoea and oppression.
Respiration difficult, impossible when lying; upright ameliorates.
Has to sit up, head bent forward; slime and saliva run from mouth, without cough.
Chronic cough of scrofulous children.
Inner heat in upper chest.
Heart beats irregularly, pulse scarcely perceptible.
Phthisis scrofulosa, with herpetic eruption and indurated testicle.
Pulse rapid, full.
Pulse soft and irregular.
Pulse 120.