of anxiety as these patients will plague the doctor with complaints that are undefined and confused. Their attitude is helpless, wretched, miserable, pitiable, distressed but always soft and non- aggressive, as though they were afraid to make the doctor cross, or to make him shout at them. So in their constant complaining they try to be nice and sweet so as not to overburden the doctor.
For instance a woman will sit up the whole night, not moving at all, in order to prevent a brain stroke which she thinks is coming on just because she had eaten too much at dinner. She will not dare phone the doctor during the night and she will wait until the morning to visit him.
In such anxiety states they are afraid of everything, of being alone, of the dark, of ghosts, of flying by airplane, of going out from the house, of going crazy, of staying in the house alone, about the future, etc. They can make the life of the persons they live with a misery, but still due to their ‘mild characters’ are easily tolerated by others. All these fears seem to have no ground as such but are rather the side effect of their insecurity and immaturity.
If you do not perceive the general attitude of the patient, the insecurity and immaturity that are behind all these fears and anxieties, the fear of crossing a bridge, fear from noise in the street, fear of strangers, fear while walking, you will be inclined to give Calcarea carbonica. But the fears of Calc, are really strong and bothersome, whereas the fears of Baryta carbonica do not seem so deep, or substantial.
I have seen cases living for years in such a state and everybody around is used to such conduct but after the remedy they assert themselves and then a commotion arises around them. All of a sudden everybody starts talking about their change and how ‘assertive’ and ‘domineering’ they are!