
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 38

The "true" diagram (Figure 3) shows the decline of tuberculo¬sis had already begun before chemotherapy was introduced. Drews, in his book, misleads us in giving only part of the diagram.49
Clinical trials and clinical experience leave no doubt that antibiotics were not the main cause for the decrease of bacterial pneumonia, as McKeown writes: "What these data show (Figure 5) is that the mortality rate from respiratory diseases certified initially under bronchitis, influenza and pneumonia, and later under pneumonia, was decreasing since the beginning of the century and that its continued decline, after 1935, was not due primarily to chemotherapy."
In England and Wales, the death rate from whooping cough has declined since 1860 (Figure 6). The effectiveness of treat¬ment is still in doubt, and the more important issue is the contribution of immunization, as mortality had fallen to a low level before immunization was introduced.
With some variation in timing, the history of measles has been rather similar to that of whooping cough (Figure 7). The death rate fell continuously from about 1915; treatment of