
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 845

head falls to the side. The fingers cannot close upon an object placed in her hand. Vacant eyes turn and move about incessantly, never resting for a second upon any object.
The child obviously does not recognise anything. Lack of response to your attempts to bring bright objects to his attention, or to your shouts. This is a perfect picture of total passive retardation with very little action apart from a general restlessness, especially of the eyes. You will have difficulty in differentiating such a state from Cicuta.
Sexual Behaviour and Maternity
Finally the time will come when the person becomes involved in their first love affair. Often one may see a Baryta carbonica person becoming romantically involved for the first time only very late in life; perhaps, instead of at eighteen or nineteen years of age, she may first become involved at age twenty-five or thirty. When she finally does fall in love, she gives herself up to the man in the same way as, previously, she had trusted her mother, and clings tenaciously to him. She can tolerate anything in order to maintain the relationship. The amount of insult and repression these women can tolerate from their husbands is amazing. This is true to such an extent that Staphysagria will often be prescribed in cases of Baryta carbonica.
The sexual demands of Baryta carbonica are simple and easily satisfied as long as the patient is provided with security and protection. You will very seldom see a married woman having an extra-marital affair. Not only because the insecurity this can produce is intolerable, but also because such a woman will not attach herself to anybody without preliminary security.
The sexual drive in Baryta carbonica can be very easily suppressed. If she becomes disappointed by her sexual relationship, she can easily turn to masturbation and feel comfortably fulfilled. Or she