Shivering. Shivering preceded by a sense of weakness.
Chilly all day; whole body feels sore.
Chilly on going into open air; chills over back and lower limbs; evening.
Chilly over back while sitting by a fire; morning Chilliness alternated with heat.
Chilliness of lower limbs and back, with fever at night.
Chill followed by fever, with severe ache in muscular portions of body.
Whole surface hot and dry, with occasional chills, mostly up and down back. Extremities feel hot, except feet, which are cold.
Flashes of heat from small of back in all directions; dull, heavy aching, great prostration.
On waking at 3 a.m., flashes of heat, feeling as if sweat would break out.
Gentle flashes of heat over whole body.
Fever set in with headache.
General fever and malaise.
Heat of face, flashes over face.
Burning, pungent heat over whole body, especially in fape.
Heat at night; burning in legs preventing sleep.
Heat of skin.
Uncomfortable burning all over surface, especially face; has to move to a cool part of bed, and finally to rise and open a window and wash face and hands. Gentle flushes of heat over whole body, followed by a slight perspiration. Frequent sweats.
Causes sweat to break out and relieves; critical sweat on forehead and face. Foetid sweat.
Chills, fever and sweat every other afternoon.
Fever cases, with peculiar delirium; .
Sensation as if there were a second self outside of patient.
Fever, delirium, headache, pain in back and limbs; [Rhus-t.].
General fever and malaise.
Aspect of low fever, determination of blood to surface and profuse sweating. Early stages: white tongue, red edges; or brown, or yellow brown down centre; bitter or flat taste; cannot digest food; stools frequent, yellow; gurgling and slight.
Sensitivity of right iliac region; pulse High; fever tends to increase; parts rested on