but the prostration of Baptisia is greater, with a drowsy, stupid condition and besotted look instead of the restless irritability of Rhus-t. – the throat, too, is dark red, with dark putrid ulcers and a marked painlessness, while all the discharges are very offensive.
Some keynotes for Baptisia:
1. A feeling as if the forehead or the eyes or both were being pressed in.
2. A tendency to rub the forehead constantly.
3. A feeling as if the tongue were scalded.
4. Swelling at the base of the tongue.
Cases of convulsive contraction of esophagus with regurgitation of food have been cured by it. One of the older homeopaths, Hale, considered it a specific in threatened miscarriage from mental depression, or mental shock from bad news.
The characteristic generalities of this remedy are:
1. An all round sick feeling
2. Great muscular soreness, bed feels very hard
3. Insensibility
4. Mental confusion
5. Prostration and
6. Offensive discharges, offensive breath, stool, urine, sweat, etc.
Mucous membranes become dark.
Ulceration of mucous membranes.
Morbid irritability of nervous system, preventing sleep.
Restless, uneasy, could confine himself to nothing; wanted to be moving from place to place.
Dull, heavy feeling in whole body, with indifference to everything. General malaise, weak feeling, but especially of lower limbs.