Palpitation after pleasurable emotions.
In general we see an aggravation for this remedy in the afternoon.
Headache with aching in backs of eyeballs, worse with motion and in the afternoon.
Pains in eyeballs extending to head.
Pain in right eyeball extending to forehead and then to temple, worse in the afternoon.
Severe headache in vertex, better towards night-time, ameliorated completely after sleep and returning severely after breakfast.
Headache from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m., with slight aching in posterior portion of both eyeballs and in temples; worse on moving the eyes.
Headache with inflamed eyes.
Excess of dandruff; scalp sore to touch; tetter-like eruption on forehead; dryness of hair.
There is a sensation as if the head had increased in size and were full.
Blueness of margins of lids and blue circles under the eyes.
Irritation of the eyes in the afternoon.Hardness of meibomian glands. Scrofulous ophthalmia; inflammation aggravated by heat.
Pain and inflammation of the right eye extending to left.