
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 778

liver region. The uterus was strongly retroverted; the fundus uteri enlarged and resting heavily upon the examining finger. Two indications, the dulness in the scrobiculo cordis, which may have been due to a swelling of the left lobe of the liver, and the womb trouble, called for Aurum, and I prescribed it as Aur. natr. muriat. 3x trituration, three times daily. On the 3d of July the patient reported the pain in the stomach and the vomiting were better, yet the old pain in the splenic region troubled her very much. Aurum was continued and alternated with Ceanoth. Americ. 3,2 grammes in 150 grammes of water, one teaspoonful three times daily. August 1st, the dulness and tension in the scrobiculo cordis had disappeared, the vomiting had not returned, the pain in the splenic region gone, the fundus uteri less swollen., She did her own house-work now, suffered no longer from vomiting, and was satisfied with her condition. She was supplied with enough Ceanoth. americ. 3, for about fourteen days, and told to report if she had any return of the trouble. I have since heard of her, through other patients, that she is well- certainly a happy result in such a condition as hers was. – Dr. Amberg, in Allg. Horn. Zeitung, June 6, 1880.
The Homoeopathic Recorder, Vol. 4, No. 5, p.214.