No appetite. Pressure in right hydrochondrium. Aggravation on contact with salted food.
Dropsy without fever but threatening suffocation.
Feces like whitish clay. Stools harder.
Urinary organs
Diuresis. Suppression of urine. Urine dark. Urine gets turbid; more profuse than usual. Morbus Brightii.
Male – genitalia
Chancre, on internal surface of prepuce. Bubo in fold of groin. Ulcers on foreskin; warts around them; ulcers on glans eating deeply.
Female – genitalia
Bearing down in uterine region with backache between the scapulae better lying on back and especially lying on stomach, dragging downward at times even from the chest. Spells of bearing down pains every 3 months as if the menses would come on, worse from heat. Usually accompanied by dyspepsia and constipation. Enormous distension of an ovary. Induration of one part and softening of another part of uterus. Ulcers with induration of uterus. Neoplasmata in abdomen. Ovarian enlargement; even dropsy. Leucorrhea corroding parts. Pustules on genitals. Abortion from uterine indurations. Given to syphilitic mothers to prevent disease in offspring. Scirrhus of uterus. Carcinoma mammae et uteri.
The following cases were cured by internal use of the remedy, generally 3d trit., it usually caused increase of appetite: