
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 766

Now as a link between skin cases and tumours may I just briefly report a case of mycosis fungoides which responded very nicely to homoeopathic remedies.
This condition, as most of you know, is characterized, amongst other symptoms, by the appearance of more or less irritating skin tumours.
The patient was a man, aged 63, who for seven months before consulting me had noticed the development of small irritating tumours almost universally distributed over the body. After having been very ill in himself for some months, when I saw him his general health was fair, but he still had his tumours. On putting him through an exhaustive examination, including the biopsy of a tumour, the diagnosis of mycosis fungoides was definitely established. As there was nothing definite beyond the irritation on which to base a homoeopathic prescription, he was given a dose of sulph. 200 at the beginning of February, 1927, which allayed considerably the irritation, but did not affect the tumours, for which on April 12, 1927, he was given aur. mur. 4x b.d. for a month, at the end of which time the tumours on his face and back were much smaller; this was repeated for another month and he was given carb. veg. 30 to be taken occasionally at night as flatulence disturbed his sleep.
I lost sight of him for six months, and then on his return his face was quite cleared of tumours and those on the back and limbs were much smaller. He was advised to continue the aurum, which he had omitted for some months. 1 did not see him again for sixteen months, by which time all the tumours had disappeared. Unfortunately my notes do not show how long he continued the aurum.
The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol 22, No. 2., p. 1121
Inflammation of frontal sinus. Miss H., an elderly lady of gouty stock and subject to rheumatoid arthritis, had attacks of severe pain in the frontal region, worse on the left side. They came on suddenly with irritation in the left ear, followed by violent fits of sneezing, and pain and weight in the region of the left frontal sinus. The pain would last for a week and then be relieved by discharge of brownish coloured mucus from the left nostril. Sense of smell lost during the attacks. Tenderness to pressure at the inner and upper angle of the left orbit. Washing out the left frontal sinus through the nose brought away a small amount of pus. Aurum mur. 3x soon rendered her quite free from the attacks.
(Monthly Homoeopathic review, March, 1894).
– Inflammation of frontal sinus. Miss R., aged 39. Attacks of discharge from the nose coming on every five or six weeks for the last two years. First a headache, with intense burning pain in the region of the left frontal sinus on bending the head forwards, then a feeling of something giving way very high up in the left side of the nose and immediate discharge of about a tablespoonful of clear fluid, which continued three or four days. The headache is worse from warm applications. After the acute symptoms are gone hearing and smell become abnormally acute. Examination showed nothing beyond a general hyperaemia of the nasal mucous membrane. After the failure of a number of drugs Aurum mur. 3x, t.d.s., quite cured her of the attacks.
(Monthy Homoeopathic Review, March, 1894)