
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 763

Dull drawing in neck while sitting. Tension in dorsal vertebrae. Burning, pricking, cutting and stiffness in back. Very severe backache.
Legs swollen, and very tender to touch, especially along the inner side of the tibia. Swelling of fingers. Painful swelling of right hand. Swelling in wrist.
Dropsical swelling of the lower limbs. Redness and swelling of toes, with burning and stinging; cannot put feet down. Exostoses on the tibia. Periostitis of the labia, of left foot. Extreme sensitiveness of the tibia. Exostoses, with bone pain in both shin bones. Disagreeable sensation in shoulders and arms. Tearing in left shoulder; in right arm, from elbow to tip of little finger. Burning, lancinating in arms and forearms. Involuntary concussive shocks in arms. Spasmodic motion of arms.
Trembling of hands in morning. Stiffness of arms and finger joints.
Blood-boils on nates and thighs. Stiffness in thighs and legs. Deep-seated, troublesome pain in left foot. Burning in feet. Cutting pain in toes when walking.
Sometimes a penetrating pain from forehead down to nose. Throbbing in head, with heavy dreams. Violent dreams, tormenting dreams of sadness. Yawning after eating. Sleepy by day even at work. Sleepless: from excitement; from palpitation. Wakes with a start.
Violent fever. Violent chill and fever. Hectic fever. Copious, offensive smelling sweat. Copious cold sweat.
Eczema. Skin dry and shrunken. Small red itching elevations, leaving spots after they disappear. Whole body covered with ulcers and scurf, with hectic fever.
Eruptions of pimples; crops of pustules all over the body.