discharges of the remedy are like pus, offensive and sometimes bloody. A bad-smelling, watery discharge from the nose, very irritating to the lip. Many hard crusts in the nose. Bleeding of the nose on blowing out of the crusts. Yellow, greenish discharge. It cures the most stubborn syphilitic catarrh.
Red, swollen nose. Deep cracks about the wings of the nose. Lupus of the wings of the nose. Red swelling of the left side of the nose; the nasal cavity is ulcerated deep in, with dry, yellowish scurf, and sense of obstruction, although enough air passes through it. Ozaena scrofulosa, with unbearable odor. Sudden running of pus
from nose. Hardness around comers of nose and lips. Deep cracks in alae nasi; in old cases of ozaena. Lupus attacking alae nasi. Infant’s nose dented in.
Red face. Pale face with red spots. Burning in face at times, mostly after shaving, with a dark redness of cheeks. Itching, as from tickling of a feather on various parts of face. Acne rosacea. Caries of upper jaw after typhoid fever. Caries of lower jaw since scarlatina in second year of her age; aged 18. Exostosis of right cheek. Trembling of lower jaw and threatened with trismus. Burning like pepper on lips. Pustule on lip. Indurations in lips. Lips swollen, they bum and itch. Cancerous ulcers on lips. Lips deep red. Painful swelling of submaxillary glands.
It has been useful in cancer of the tongue. Tongue as hard as leather, hardly movable. Inflammation of the tongue followed by induration. Tongue became stiff and prevented articulation of certain words. Induration remaining after glossitis. Warts on the tongue. Metallic taste and salivation. Gums inflamed or white, blueish. Tongue ulcerated in various places. Mouth filled with aphthae.
Fauces red, pain in throat. Mucus in morning passes from head to throat. Inflammation with hoarseness. Scraping and pricking in throat. Dryness in throat; difficult deglutition. Frequent desire to swallow; feeling of a plug in throat.