Great restlessness; changes his position every moment; his friends call him "the quicksilver man". Great nervous irritation. Greatest exhaustion, mostly in limbs. Restlessness with palpitation.
Vertigo, as if he was walking in air. Dulness of head. Violent left-sided headaches. Pain in the region of the left frontal sinus on bending the head forwards.
Pain ameliorated by cold application. His forehead is hot. Heat of the head and cold extremities. Exostoses of the skull. Tearing pains in the skull. Dull frontal headache. Drawing headache in forehead, in left half of head. Constant burning in whole head worse on left side. Throbbing in left temple after rising; ameliorated by application of cold water. Burning in forehead. Head hot; limbs cool. Drawing, tearing in bones of skull from time to time; head feels insensible. Pressure on brain, along sagittal suture. Cool sensation on vertex. Hair, eyebrows and beard fall out.
Chronic inflammation of edges of eyelids and the eyeball is red. The lids stick together in the morning. Acute ophthalmia. Burning, pricking, itching and tickling in eyes and lids. Dim vision in the evening by artificial light. Loss of vision after syphilis and after scarlet fever. Very slow accommodation. Cannot accommodate his eyes quickly for near or far objects. Feeling as if eyes were drawn deep into head. Difficulty in keeping eyes shut. Fistula lachrymalis.
A sensation as if the ears were wide open. Music relieves the ear symptoms. Eczema behind the ears. Buzzing in left ear and sensitiveness. Ringing and roaring in ears, followed by deafness, with sensation as if ears were wide and hollow inside, could not hear distinctly. Ears reddened. Scurf behind ears. Burning and itching behind ears, particularly at night.
Catarrh of the nose in patients who are worse in a warm room. It classes with Pulsatilla and Kali Sulphuricum, as both of these are better in the open air. The