
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 758

done to please them when in such a state. States of extreme irritability and anger can alternate with severe depression.
This remedy will be indicated in the particular group of homosexuals that has had several suppressed syphilitic and gonorrheal infections and where as a secondary reaction warts, condylomata, glandular swellings and indurations develop, especially when all this condition is accompanied by occasional depressions and constant worry about health with palpitations.
It has cured rheumatic fever with heart involvement. Diabetes where polyuria is mostly at night or at least much more pronounced than in the day time. Sinusitis affecting mostly the left frontal sinus with severe pain on bending head forwards. Mental depression, sciatica and loss of sleep. Dropsical states from heart disease, from liver affections, with albumen in the urine. Paralysis of the bladder with frequent urination during night. Multiple sclerosis, especially if the cause was traumatic, either by a fall or grief. Morvan’s disease (chorea) greatly improved under its use. It is a most useful remedy in patients suffering from the chronic effects of gonorrhoea and syphilis, where fig warts and syphilitic ulceration are present together. Valuable in haemorrhages from the uterus at climacteric and after. Catarrhal and glandular affections are marked. The glands and parts inflamed become indurated. It has been useful in cancerous glands. Inflammation of the bone and periosteum. Caries of the joints, with nightly boring and gnawing pains. The pains are tearing.
It has many bone symptoms and pains worse at night. Drawing, tearing in various parts. Fulness of the veins all over the body is a strong feature of this remedy. (Vipera) Weariness. Many symptoms come on during rest and some during motion. Exertion and walking increase many symptoms. The palpitation, suffocation and great weakness come from walking and exertion. Fast walking is impossible.
Aur-mur seems to be indicated also in cases of suppressed gonorrhea. It has warts in various parts: on the tongue, on the genitalia. Cold, wet weather ameliorates.
Warm air, warm bed, warm room, warm wraps, becoming warm even in open air, and warmth in general aggravates.