
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 749

muffled, tumultuous heart sound, as if beating under water. The temperature was 103 degrees, yet there was a great deal of perspiration, urine very scant, no thirst, no appetite. He had only slept short naps for many nights. 1 feared the boy was dying. There was a time when I would have treated the heart symptoms with Aconite or Kalmia, and the dropsy with Apocynum, and what not, and so zig-zagged a slow cure or a speedy death. But fortunately I knew better now. I knew that every one of these symptoms are summed up under one remedy, which covers every point exactly. 1 gave Aurum lOx, dose to be given every three hours. I never saw a more brilliant cure. The first dose was 7 p.m.. I requested that they phone me at 11 p.m. that night. At 11 the message came, "Louis is in a drenching perspiration, he has urinated quantitites and his breathing is less laboured." At 8 o’clock the next morning they phoned that he had slept peacefully most of the night, though still in his upright position with chin strap. That night he could recline in the chair, and the next he could lie down in bed. The urine continued in unbelievable quantities, the perspiration rained from him, and the swelling promptly disappeared. You see what a profound element gold is when homeopathically indicated. The lad made a rapid and complete recovery with no other medication. He received it first in thelOx, then I rose to the 30th, then to the 200th, on which I kept him until the poor damaged little heart was quite normal again. You will recall that every one of the above symptoms are recorded by Hering and Hahnemann in these words:
"Rheumatism which jumps from joint to joint and finally fastens upon the heart. Impossible to lie down. Must sit up bent forward. Visible throbbing of carotids. Face cyanotic, gasps for breath, can hardly speak above a whisper. Much perspiration, as in auric fever."
5. A woman, age forty-two, had been failing for a year. Black specks floating before her eyes for two years. Finally financial troubles affected her mind to such an extent the family physician sent her to Brookside. She was obstinate and fault-finding. Was sure she must go to the poor-house, that her life was wrecked and she would never amount to anything again. A few powders of Aurum met, cured the case in two weeks, the black specks also disappearing, and she returned home in six weeks.
6. Another hospital case, osteomyelitis of tibia. The bone was incised, gouged, curetted and drained. Was absent from home a whole day and a half following operation; during my absence patient suffered great pain in knee, continuously and worse at night; hot applications gave no relief, neither did three hypodermic injections of Morphia, administered by order of superintendent of the hospital before my return. On seeing patient I prescribed Mercurius, with no relief in twelve hours; this was followed by Aurum 6th, every hour, until relieved. Pain disappeard after third dose; it returned four days after; another dose of Aurum put everything in order.
What puzzled the nurses was to see what appeared to be only little sugar pellets succeed so well where the omnipotent morphia had failed.
7. Mr. M., aged fifty-two, of a healthy family, had always enjoyed good health. Had
been actively engaged for twenty years as a manufacturer of edge tools and was in
financial matters independent. He first became despondent, then melancholy, thought