
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 745

spine to the head. Pain in spine in the morning so intense as to preclude movement of the limbs. Heat starting from the region of the kidneys and extending to the bladder.
Aurum is a great remedy for psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis when there is early involvement of the heart and when the patient is closed, duty bound, miserable and depressed. Nightly pains drive him to think of the relief death would bring. The arthritic pains wander from joint to joint and finally localize in the heart. Think of Aurum for sufferers of rheumatic-arthritic conditions who develop angina pectoris as their rheumatic suffering subsides. Limbs swollen and painful and easily ankylosed.
Peculiar symptoms in such rheumatic-arthritic diseases are:
Sensation as if extremities were bandaged. Sensation as if knee were bandaged while walking. Rush of blood from the head to the lower limbs. Cold hands with hot head. Cold hands at night. Cold feet (soles of feet) in bed, in the evening. Herpetic eruption on palm of hand. Pain in joints, in the morning, in bed. Paralytic pain, especially of the knees which give way easily, feel feeble. Boring pain in left shoulder with a feeling of paralysis. Numbness (tingling) while lying, on waking, in lower limbs in the morning, in bed. Sore, bruised pain in the morning. Pain in toes. Swelling of upper limbs, wrist, hand. Swelling of leg; swelling of leg in the morning – this swelling is ameliorated by walking. Limbs go to sleep easily; awakens with numb extremities. Dropsy of lower limbs, pitting on pressure, worse at night and better in the morning, with profound depression.
In the night great mental activity that prevents sleep. He can be sleepless all night, yet there is no lassitute or tiredness in the morning. Sleep restless and anxious. Sleeplessness after morning hours, 4 A.M., with tossing about in bed and with short interrupted periods of restless and anxious sleep. Dreams of death, of fear, of sorrow. Frightful dreams about thieves with loud screaming. Talks in his sleep. Frequent yawning with stretching of limbs on waking in the morning. Sobs loudly during sleep. Wakes up frequently in the night as from a fright.
Shivering through the whole body with gooseflesh on the thighs and a feeling as if the brain were loose in the frontal area. General chilliness prevails during stages of fever, but he wants the window open. Craves warm drinks during chills. Difficult respiration