Face seems bloated because of swelling under eyes. Cyanotic discolouration.
Cancer (Epithelioma) near wing of nose. Caries of bone. Inflammation of periosteum. Burning pain, caries in face. Pain in face on touching parotid gland. Boring pain in zygoma, aggravated by walking.
Sour, bitter taste is a keynote. Syphilitic ulcers in the mouth, especially on palate. Redness and darkness of the gums. Breath’s odor is cheesy. Milky taste in mouth. Caries on palate. Boring pain in palate.
Aversion to food in general, but most especially to meat. His food tastes good but does not satisfy his appetite, has to eat again (in cases of depression). Desire for stimulants, especially coffee. A feeling of uneasiness in the stomach, difficult to describe. Pain in the stomach as if from hunger. Swelling of the epigastrium with shooting pain on touching. Anxiety, which is ameliorated during eating.
Nausea from mental exertion. Pressing pain at noon, expiration aggravates.
Dropsical conditions (hydrops). Swollen glands. Hardness and enlargement of the liver. Inguinal hernia in children. Flatulence, obstructed, descending colon – constipation. Bubo after suppressed gonorrhea. Aching, dull pain in right hypochondrium. Aching, dull pain, pressing hypochondria while walking. Tension on sides of abdomen.
Urinary organs
Urinary and kidney affections with frequent urination and urine that is watery or like buttermilk with thick mucus. Retention of urine with paralytic pain and strong urgency to urinate. Urine that is greater in quantity than the amount of liquid drunk. Stitches in side of bladder when breathing. Ineffectual urging to urinate, aggravated during menses. Inflammation of the kidneys with cardiac and hepatic affections.